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Flowering Plants


As a more tropical and budget friendly alternative to fresh flowers, we can also supply beautiful flowering tropical plants.


We can supply tropical Anthuriums, striking Guzmanias or delicate Orchids.


Whether you are looking for a timeless white flower, or more tropical reds, oranges and pinks, there is a tropical flowering plant to fit any space.


Just like fresh flowers, our tropical flowering plants are replaced once the flowers die back


Botanica also has an on-site florist, and we can supply weekly fresh cut flowers for your reception desk, beautiful bouquets for you staff and associates, as well as larger custom displays for events. To read more about our florist services click here.


Ask about our Tropical Flowering Plants Here

Orchids for offices

Orchids for offices

Orchids for offices

Orchid Bowls for offices

Orchid Bowls for offices

Orchid Bowls for offices

Tropical flowers for offices

Tropical flowers for offices

Tropical flowers for offices

Pink Orchids in stone bowl

Pink Orchids in stone bowl

Pink Orchids in stone bowl

Orchid rental for offices

Orchid rental for offices

Orchid rental for offices

Tropical flower rental

Tropical flower rental

Tropical flower rental

Guzmania flower bowl in office

Guzmania flower bowl in office

Guzmania flower bowl in office

Anthurium flowers for offices

Anthurium flowers for offices

Anthurium flowers for offices

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